prashansa karana example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
These two groups deviate considerably from the normal population in respect of their cognitive, emotional, and motivational characteristics.
The items do not respect the cultural perspectives of Asia and Africa.
It was their way of thanking our master for his forty years of faithful service and of showing their respect for the country that was theirs no more.
I recommend non-interference and passive observation.Latest प्रशंसा करना prashansa karana news and headlines :
1. छोटी-बड़ी चीजें जो आपके जीवन में होती हैं उनकी प्रशंसा करना अपने रोजमर्रा की आदतों में शुमार कीजिएibnlive.comGiven are the examples of hindi word prashansa karana usage in english sentences. The examples of prashansa karana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., appreciate, admire, recommend, rave, cheer, talk up, extol, look up to, eulogize, eulogise, compliment, commend, acclaim, laud, proclaim, exalt, respect, praise.
With respect to the role of environment, studies have reported that as children grow in age, their intelligence level tends to move closer to that of their adoptive parents.
These two groups deviate considerably from the normal population in respect of their cognitive, emotional, and motivational characteristics.
The items do not respect the cultural perspectives of Asia and Africa.
It was their way of thanking our master for his forty years of faithful service and of showing their respect for the country that was theirs no more.
However, we shall discuss the periodic trends with respect to atomic and ionic radii, ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity.
You will appreciate that the ionization enthalpy and atomic radius are closely related properties.
Form wizard responds by providing six mutually exclusive choices with respect to layout of the Form.
If summary option is selected, the user is prompted to indicate the type of summarisation required: Sum, Average, Minimum and Maximum with respect to the field of summarisation.
We all appreciate the strong dependence of industry and agriculture upon mineral deposits and the substances manufactured from them.
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